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June 2006 Issue

Convention: Anime Central 2006

by Adam Miller

Adam went to Anime Central keeping an eye out for lady gamers, and this is what he found.

Part II of Gaming My Way to Fitness

by Debbie Ginsberg

My neighbors must wonder what the hell I'm doing, flailing around in front of my TV at 9:30 pm. Am I following some deranged workout video? Trying to dance to whatever MTV now plays in lieu of music? Nope. I'm actually playing a video game: EyeToy Kinetic for the PlayStation 2.

Review: Dungeonville

by Tonya Foust

Welcome to Dungeonville. Congratulations! You are a mad wizard who has inheited a terrible dungeon stocked with monstrous beings.

Review of WOD: Armory

by Nancy Schultz

This is not the most extensive equipment book ever published. In my experience, that honor would have to go to ICE's And a 10' Pole. It's not even the most comprehensive weapon book that White Wolf has ever published. That would be the old WOD: Combat. What it is, however, is probably the most informative equipment book for a modern setting that I've encountered.

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